Moodboard / Company Vibes
Moodboard / Company Vibes

Moodboard / Company Vibes

While we’re still in stealth, we’re happy to share everything about the company over private channels (DM, email, phone, in person).
Vision: fix American politics
Mission: build a platform for self-serve physical and digital advertising, focusing on the politics vertical. empower anyone to launch a political campaign 10x faster and cheaper.
Current assets: Barak, some collaborators, and lots of vibes
  1. H1 2024: place first political advert
  1. Q2/Q3 2024: launch working platform
  1. 2024: close initial round
  1. Y1 2024: $10k revenue (stretch $100K), legibly influence SF 2024 November race
  1. Hard to plan any further than that