
The Delaware C Corp

American Politics Company

This is the public landing page for our venture to fix American politics.

TL;DR (the novel ideas)

  1. SuperPAC as a service (we handle liability, KYC, calling up Outfront … all the bullshit). Kickstarter, Gofundme, Stripe … for politics.
  1. Negative CAC … every QR code / link will point not to your page directly (unless you pay $$$) but to meetbilly.co/m/plumber/fix-showerhead-flow-regs (or whatever your campaign is called). users will be able to comment, like, share the ad … remix it … or pay to keep the billboard up / send the mailer to more people. Eventually, they will notice that they too can advertise with Billy.
  1. Back to physical. Digital is Joever. We’ll do it, eventually, accidentally, but we’re starting local (SF) and starting very physical. Billboards, mailers, posters, yard signs.
Moodboard / Company Vibes (1)
Moodboard / Company Vibes (1)
Values (1)
Values (1)
Long, only-slightly outdated deck:
Pre-seed pitch: American Politics Company (1)
Welcome! Our vision is to fix American politics!
Questions, ideas, feedback, support, criticism?

About the team (Join us!)

Current team

@Barak Gila
  • Background: bay area native, berkeley/affirm-educated, software engineer, startup connoisseur, and political junkie
  • Hats: CEO, ops, finance/revenue, product, back office,


  • Our current min rate is $100/hr for contractors and $250k/year total comp for full-time.
  • Must be SF, NY, or DC-based. SF preferred, NY ok for product, design, and eng.

Most high-priority skills we need for the team

  • PDE
Cofounder / Founding Engineer (American Politics Company) (1)
  • Ops
    • You can code in SQL and Python (at least a little)
    • You’re an organized, detail-oriented fiend
    • You can do anything (recruiting, ops, accounting, finance, etc), perhaps after teaching yourself or asking for help
  • Well-connected political types
    • Ideally think-tank / neoliberal / nonpartisan background, but flexible
    • Should understand how one or more of Washington, Sacramento, NYC, SF, etc. work
    • Should be familiar with Citizens United, Scalia, Matt Yglesias; be concerned about political polarization, etc
  • Marketing / advertising
    • A creative director for the ad agency side of the business
    • At the beginning, you’ll be critical in making killer, edgy, fun, controversial ads
    • You’ll also shape our ad generator product and be the point of contact with external folks in the advertising / marketing worlds

How else you can help

We’re willing to bootstrap, but getting capital and help from angels and VCs will help us build the platform faster. 👼
  • do you have anything you want to advertise in San Francisco?
  • do you want to join the team?
  • are you or do you know any people who work in politics or think tanks?
  • welcoming ideas, feedback, and hate